It seems likes nowadays, you can just about get away with calling anything ‘fashion’.
While we’re open to trying most trends, there are some that we just cannot get on board with.
Whether it’s their complete impracticality, or they’re just downright hideous, they’re the reason the phrase ‘fashion faux pas’ exists.
Yes, many a fashion disaster our eyes have bear witness to.
Here are seven times fashion completely lost the run of itself.
1. Chanel boomerang – €1,295
The French luxury brand has found itself in a bit of hot water this week after it’s latest ‘accessory’ from their S/S 2017 pre-collection was dubbed as “appropriating Indigenous Australian culture”.
2. Balenciaga holdall – €1,592
Ah, it’s a classic. Balenciaga sent the Twittersphere into overdrive when they sent their glorified IKEA carrier bag down the runway. The ‘cobalt-blue leather holdall’ has been the subject of memes ever since.
3. Jan Arnold faux fur nails – not for sale (thankfully)
Where do we even start with this s**t? Style director and co-founder of CND had everyone recoiling at the sight of his faux fur nails during last year’s fashion week. While the fash pack tried to tell us it was the latest in ‘nail couture’, we knew better than to buy into this gross fad.
4. Jil Sander paper bag – €263
Five years ago, audiences were left a little confused when Jil Sander’s sent her male models down the runway with the lunch in hand. They may have been able to defend the decision if it was a simple prop, but no, they sold this bad boy for over €250 – absolute nonsense.
5. Christopher Kane bejeweled Crocs – €35 plus embellishments
OK, so we’re all for crocs around the house – we can’t argue that they’re not comfortable. But we would rather our parents read our conversations on Tinder than be caught wearing crocs outside the house. Stick as many jewels on them as you’d like, Christopher Kane, we’re not falling for it.
6. Topshop clear plastic jeans – €76
Fashion mishaps aren’t just for luxury designer brands. One of our favourite high street stores left us shaking our heads a few weeks ago when we came across these bad boys. While many questioned how one might maintain their dignity in completely see-through jeans, we couldn’t help but think of the condensation. The term ‘sweaty Betty’ comes to mind.
7. Hood By Air double-faced western boots – not for sale online
We searched but we could not find a price for these god-awful things – probably because the designer learned the error of his ways when Twitter laughed in unison after they sent models down the runway wearing these double-sided boots.