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18th Nov 2015

All Black Everything- How A Kickstarter Campaign Created The ‘World’s Blackest Black’

Our prayers are answered.

Ellen Tannam

If like many of us, your wardrobe is full of varying shades of black then you are going to love this.

tumblr_inline_mxvwiuRMIk1rbwmhhHow I greeted the news today. Source: Tumblr- just-callmelee

Phoebe Heess is a fashion designer that makes only black clothes, and she’s on a mission to find the darkest shade of black. Heess and her collaborator Gabriel Platt have successfully run a Kickstarter campaign to manufacture and sell a t-shirt that is a whopping 40% darker than the blackest black on the market.

Speaking to Dazed Digital, she described where she got the idea for her Viperblack t-shirt:

‘Because of my love for the colour black, I started to do research to see what else is out there and what we could do next.’

Co-creator Platt described how he saw a meme of goth icon Wednesday Addams stating: ‘I will stop wearing black when they invent a darker colour’. He noticed how many millions of likes and shares the meme received, and the duo knew there was a market out there for this superblack fabric.

b21913d0e61267fd42c1575df4e65a82_originalA comparison swatch of Viperblack with the blackest black on the market (Source: Phoebe Heess)

Heess spoke to Mashable about how they looked to the animal kingdom for creatures that were able to hold an extremely black colour. They came across the Gabon Viper, whose super-black scales help camouflage it from predators and potential victims.

Now that the Kickstarter was successful, goths everywhere may soon have the ebony wardrobe of their dreams.

tumblr_nwx9ffwGKB1shiv3ro1_500Source:Tumblr – mysharona87