It’s pretty safe to say that the world has caught Fifty Shades of Grey fever. Not only is the fastest-selling novel of all time, it’s about to be made into a movie and an Irish parody of the novel has also taken over Twitter. Sure, even Samantha Brick is ranting about it.
If you’re mid-way through the trilogy and wondering just how on earth you’ll cope when you finish reading the last book, we have some good news for you this morning.
The Irish Daily Mail reports that legendary publishers Mills & Boon have just announced that they will be releasing their own series of erotica called Twelve Shades of Surrender. Hmm…we wonder where they got the inspiration for that title?
Anyway the publisher, which is famous for its good old-fashioned romances, will be launching its new durrrrty titles in e-Book format – probably to spare us all the embarrassment of asking book shop assistants if they can point us in the direction of the Mills & Boon section.
In the Twelve Shades of Surrender series you’ll be able to download racy novels with titles such as Cuffing Kate and For Your Pleasure for the reasonable price of €2.50 each. Not bad for a bit of bedtime reading, right?
“Erotica is becoming more mainstream and acceptable as we and others evolve our packaging to become less explicit and women become ever more empowered to read what they want to and enjoy,” said a spokesman for Mills & Boon.
So ladies, if you’ve been bitten by the Fifty Shades bug and fancy dedicating a significant amount of space in your Kindle library to some naughty novels, you’ll soon have a new series you can sink your teeth into.
And the best thing about it? Because they’re e-Books you can totes read them on the bus and no one will ever know. Score.