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29th Jul 2012

Well…Here’s One Way to Make Him Help With the Housework…

Is your fella a bit lazy when it comes to helping you clean the house? Read him the following and see if he changes his mind about helping you...


Does your man help out with the housework? If so, you’re a lucky lady. If, however, you’re looking for a way to coax him into the doing the hovering every now and then, maybe you should tell him the following.

The Irish Sun reports that a new survey has revealed that men who do their fair share around the house are not only happier with their lives, they also tend to get more bedroom time with their partners.

Yes, the survey showed that men who have no problem helping the lady in their lives do the dishes or put on a wash tend to get more action between the sheets than men who just put their feet up when they get in from work in the evenings.

Does your man help out around the house?

Researchers from Cambridge University found that men who help with the housework tend to have less conflicting relationships with their partners, and as a result communication and physical attraction within their relationship increases and improves. Not bad right?

Oh and the researchers also found that women were far more likely to ‘reward’ their other half for his help by taking things into the bedroom.

So ladies, the next time he starts protesting about helping you make the bed, tell him that there could be a reward for him at the end of it all.

Now, we’re no experts but we imagine if you do the above, you’ll have a spotless house in no time…
