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11th Dec 2024

Vet praised for response after 7-week-old puppy is brought in to be euthanised

Ryan Price

The little Labrador poodle mix wasn’t even old enough to have been removed from his mother.

A caring and good-hearted vet is being praised online for adopting a seven-week-old puppy who was brought into his practice to be euthanised.

Dr Oliver Reeve, who owns a veterinary hospital in Auckland, New Zealand, was shocked when the young Labrador poodle mix was brought in to him in order to be put to sleep.

Toby, who weighed just 5kg, was barely old enough to be removed from his mother. The little fluff-ball needed surgery after being born with birth defects, which were causing life-disrupting health conditions and his owners said they couldn’t afford to pay for any more treatment.

Dr Reeve proposed that the puppy’s owners consider surrendering the pooch rather than ended it’s life and, fortunately, they agreed.

Later that evening, the vet posted a picture to X showing Toby tucked into his arms, along with the caption: “A 7 week old puppy got brought into the clinic to be euthanised tonight. Very sad. Any way, meet my new son.”

One of Dr Reeve’s followers asked: “Thank you for doing that for him, there is no excuse for euthanising but what was their “reason”?”

To which he replied: “Probably best if I don’t discuss it. These situations are always more complicated than they can initially appear on the surface. Everyone’s journey is different.”

In another comment, the vet wrote: “I’m now having anxiety about making sure his puppy life is as positive and rich as can be and then trying to make a big plan for his socialisation. Things have come along way since our last puppy many years ago…”

Toby will be joining a large and hectic home, as Dr Reeve revealed that he currently has “two dogs, one cat, one rat, and three rabbits.”

Another follower commented: “How anyone could do that to such a beautiful dog makes me despair. Glad I don’t work in a veterinary practice – I would need a much bigger house and food budget!”

The following day, Dr Reeve posted another update. This time, he shared a picture of Toby deep in a slumber on the carpet of his new home. The caption read: “New puppies need lots and lots of sleep.”

The next day, the vet posted a more detailed update on Toby’s condition.

He wrote: “Toby has been into the clinic today for the first surgery to correct his birth defects.

“He’ll need another surgery in a few months and then he (should) be all good! He did well today. Brave little man.”

The vet added: “I’m not going to talk about what defects they are. People are likely going to be a bit judgemental about him being surrendered for the issue.

“The main thing is that the original owner sought veterinary care and didn’t let the puppy suffer.”

In a follow-up tweet, he added: “People shouldn’t be shamed for seeking veterinary care and electing euthanasia or surrender.

“Vets are not the police and we don’t want people reluctant to see us because they fear judgement.”

“Taking a puppy to a vet and electing humane euthanasia is far better than letting the puppy suffer or dumping it – which definitely happens,” he continued. “Euthanasia may not seem palatable but it is a treatment option that preserves welfare and there can be lots of reasons why it’s chosen.”

Many people praised the vet for his act of kindness and empathy.

One person wrote: “Happy crying. This is beautiful. Would love to hear his name when you have one. Lucky boy to have you.” 

Another user commented: “Well done Oliver. I had a one-week-old Staffy presented for euthanasia because of a deformed right front leg. She’s two-years-old now and rockets around her Mum’s house.”