It is true that we eat to survive. But we also eat to socialise, to entertain ourselves and for comfort.
A lot of the time we munch, chew and swallow without even thinking about it, but you should be aware when you are eating what your body is taking in.
We need to give our bodies time to process our food. This keeps our digestive system ticking neatly and can help stop us from over-eating too.
Here are the things you should think of at every meal… this means you can savour every little bite too!
Take Your Time
It takes about 20 minutes for people to realise that they are actually full. If you’re one of the speedy eaters you could easily have overindulged by the time this feeling comes. Keep an eye on your body’s hunger signals throughout your meal.
Make Sure It’s Satisfying
Life’s too short to eat bland and boring food! You want to enjoy your food. There is no point in eating a boring meal, just to crave something sugary afterwards. Of course stick to your healthy food regime, but remember the small, but very important aspects of food, like seasoning, marinades or sauces.
Avoid A Stretch Or Starve
When food is within arm’s length, it’s easy to refill my plate and eat more than I need. Keep the food in serving dishes in the kitchen away from the table and, if you really feel like you need seconds, you can head into the kitchen to get some.
Socialise And Eat
It takes longer to eat, and it’s far more fun, when you’re enjoying a meal with other people. I talk, laugh and enjoy my meals with other people as much as possible.
How Many Bites?
They say 17 chews for each bite of food, but we realise this isn’t do-able. That’s okay for your Sunday roast but it’s difficult to chew a bite of salad 17 times before it starts to feel sickly. We say just savour your food. Taste it rather than just inhaling it. Enjoy the experience.