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28th Nov 2012

The Male Orgasm: What Happens To Your Man When Things Get Hot and Heavy

We know all about our own orgasms, but what exactly goes through your man's head when things start heating up? We find out here...


When it comes to sex, we tend to know all about our own orgasm but what about your man? What exactly goes through his mind when it’s time to start getting down and dirty?

We thought it’d be interesting to delve into the male psyche and take a look at a few random facts about men, their orgasms and just what exactly happens to them when they’re in the throes of passion.

Orgasms extend his life: No, this isn’t a line that men use just to get into your paints. Believe it or not, research has shown that men who have orgasms twice a week actually double their chances of increasing their life expectancy.

Staying sexually active helps to reduce stress and improves your man’s physical and mental help. Did you know that every time you help your man to orgasm you increase his life expectancy. Maybe it’s time you took advantage of hump day ladies…

He CAN fake it: Contrary to popular belief, men can actually fake their orgasms. Granted it requires a bit of effort on his part, but it is possible. Apparently ejaculation and orgasm are not the same thing, and it is possible for your man to have an orgasm without ejaculating (and vice versa)

How will you know when he’s faking it? Well, that’s the kicker. Much like us, it’s nearly impossible to tell. Although we imagine rather than falling straight asleep, he’ll seem suspiciously perkier than usual…

Speaking of sleep: It takes a woman a half an hour to fall asleep after sex. In comparison, men usually nod off after five. This is because of oxytocin, also known as the ‘cuddle’ hormone. After a man has an orgasm, oxytocin floods his blood and, unfortunately, drowsiness is one of the side-effects of this. So if you were hoping for some deep meaningful conversations after your sexy time, there’s a strong chance that you’ll be sorely disappointed.

There’s a chance he’ll forget your name: Oddly enough, too much roiding can trigger a thing called ‘transient global amnesia’ in your man’s brain. This is a type of temporary amnesia that can cause him to forget who he is, who you are and why you’re in his bed. This happens because a good orgasm increases pressure to his brain, triggering a major memory lapse that can last from 12 to 24 hours. Mental or what?

He has a peak: Yes, the sex myth is true. Both men and women have a sexual prime or ‘peak’ if you will. While us ladyfolk generally tend to hit our sex stride in our mid-thirties, most men reach their peak in their late teens/early twenties. During this stage of his life, your man could have sex several times a day. Sadly ladies, once that peak has passed it’s all downhill…
