Ladies, if your man has a look of caveman off him, it might not be a bad thing. Why you ask? Well according to experts, rather than being ferocious hunters, cavemen were actually domestic gods (yes, we found this hard to believe too, but bear with us…)
The Irish Daily Mail reports that scientists now believe that cavemen (or Neanderthals, if you want to get technical) spent most of their time carrying out domestic chores for their female counterparts. As it should be, wha?
Anyway, scientists came to this conclusion after they studied the remains of various cavemen. They found that the right arm in each of the remains was at least 50 per cent larger than the left arm.
Before, this was attributed to the fact that cavemen had to carry heavy spears in order to hunt their prey, but now a Cambridge University study suggests that hunting would not have had this effect on their arm at all.
Instead it is far more likely that their arms were huge because they spent hours scraping animal hides in order to make clothes. And, researchers believe that if cavemen spent so long making clothes, there is a high chance that they were also much more involved in cooking and childcare than was previously thought.
“The skeletal remains suggest that Neanderthals were doing something intense or repetitive, or both, that had a significant role in their lives. The question is, what was it?” said Dr Colin Shaw, an archaeologist from Cambridge University.
“The main theory until now is it was hunting mammoths and deer, which has coloured our view of the Neanderthal as a hunter. But we have shown it would not have had the effect we’ve seen on the bones,” he added.
Hmm…we have a feeling we’ll be whipping out the old “even cavemen did housework!!!” line the next time himself refuses to help out with the chores. What do you think women?