Here at headquarters we like to think that, contrary to popular belief, there are a lot of great women drivers out there. Needless to say, this is why we weren’t exactly thrilled when we heard the following news.
The Daily Mail reports that a German mayor is facing into mass accusations of sexism after ordering that the trickiest parking spaces in his town be marked as ‘men only.’
Yes ladies, you read that right. Gallus Strobel, the mayor of Triberg in Germany has ordered that all the parking spaces in the town be painted with either a male or a female symbol depending on how difficult the space is to park in.
So from now on, women will have to park in wide, well-lit spaces that are near the exits of cark parks and men will have to park at difficult angles, close to pillars and gates and walls.
Speaking about the new parking space markings the mayor said: “Men are, as a rule, a little better at such challenges.”
Nice, right? But don’t worry, he quickly copped on that the above statement was just a tad bit sexist and added the following: “There are also great women drivers who are, of course, most welcome!”
According to reports, the move has, for the most part, been greeted by locals and tourists. In fact, tourists are actually flocking to the area so they can attempt to take on the mayor’s challenge.
Mayor Strobel believes that by putting the parking symbols in place, he is challenging “political correctness.”
What do you think ladies? How would you feel if all Irish car parks started using these controversial symbols?