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16th Jul 2012

Recession-style Sex: More Women Opting for Morning-After Pill

We know times are hard financially, but is that any excuse to put your own health and safety at risk? The answer, ladies, is no.


Okay, so we’re in the middle of a recession and the majority of us are broke – but should you be putting your health and your safety at risk in an attempt to save a few euros? The answer is a resounding NO.

The Irish Independent reports that the recession has caused more and more young women to opt for the morning-after pill, according to some prominent health clinics.

Emigration has also been blamed for the fact that less Irish women are seeking prescriptions for contraception.

The Well Woman Centre’s Annual Report was published today, and the report states that there has been a noticeable drop-off in women seeking their services since the recession really began to take hold of the country.

According to the Centre the decrease in patients attending their contraceptive clinic was more noticeable in the 25-30 and 20-25 age brackets.

 “The fall-off in numbers is quite stark: in 2008, we provided contraception prescriptions for almost 6,500 women aged 20 to 30 years,” said Alison Begas, the Chief Executive of Well Woman.

“Last year, this was down by almost half to just 3,500 women in this age group. We can only presume that emigration has been a main driver for this reduction in numbers,” she added.

However, Ms Begas also said that changes in contraception technology may have had an impact on their numbers.

Here at we fully believe that us women should be making our health and safety a priority. A solid, regular method of contraception is essential. If you have no idea where to begin when it comes to contraception, check out our handy guide.

For more information about the Well Woman Clinic, visit their website here.
