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10th Sep 2020

Pubs reopening guidelines: No live music and TVs turned down low

Jade Hayden

Pubs are set to reopen on September 21.

It has been recommended that live music and loud TVs are banned following the reopening of pubs later this month.

According to the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET), so-called “wet pubs” will be asked to follow similar government guidelines to pubs that serve food.

These will likely include table service, tables of no more than six people, and distancing between groupings of two metres where possible.

NPHET has also recommended a ban on live music and dancing, as well as all TVs kept at a low volume to ensure that patrons are not forced to shout over it.

Research from the US National Institutes of Health earlier this year showed that shouting or speaking loudly could increase the risk of Covid-19 transmission, as droplets can be left in the air for up to 14 minutes.

This study, although carried out in a controlled environment, is particularly concerning for businesses or event settings such as live sports or gigs, where people are more likely to speak loudly.

Cabinet met earlier this week to confirm that pubs are set to open from September 21. A full set of guidelines is expected to be published early next week.

As is the case with restaurants and pubs serving food, these businesses will be expected to keep records of their customers, adhere to social distancing measures, and close before 11.30pm.

