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10th Aug 2012

New Survey Reveals That Men Feel “Under Pressure to Perform” Because of Fifty Shades of Grey

Ladies, from now on you need to be gentle with himself. Why? Well he might be feeling under pressure to perform thanks to Fifty Shades of Grey.


Ladies, you might want to hide your copy of Fifty Shades of Grey from the prying eyes of your other half because it could be damaging your sex life.

Why? Well apparently, all those poor menfolk out there are feeling under pressure when it comes to performing in the bedroom because they’re worried they won’t be a patch on kinky Christian Grey. Yes, seriously.

The Daily Mail reports that a new survey has found that more than half of the 500 men who were quizzed felt under more pressure to up their game between the sheets after the lady in their lives had read the naughty novel.

Yes, the book that has been credited with putting the spark back into dozens of marriages is now apparently scaring men and making them worry about their performance. Eh…they do realise that most women wouldn’t exactly enjoy some of the things that Christian Grey gets up to in his book, don’t they?

Anyway, in the new survey, only 26 per cent of men said that the book had actually improved their sex life. What an anti-climax (no pun intended).

Men said that after their partners read the Fifty Shades trilogy, they tended to demand more sex from them and encouraged them to try new things in the bedroom.

Just 1 in 20 men admitted that they had actually picked up their partner’s copy of the book and flicked through it in order to see what all the fuss was about. While the vast majority claimed that their partner’s new appetite for getting down and dirty had completely shocked them and they couldn’t figure out where it was coming from.

“Most men like to believe themselves to be sexually driven alpha males but when it’s the female dictating the lovemaking it seems for many this can come with significant added pressures,” said a spokesperson for ECigaretteDirect, the company that commissioned the sexy survey.

“Of the men we spoke to many said they felt under substantial pressure to become more adventurous in the bedroom, with the vast majority stating that they weren’t sure whether or not their desires now matched their partners,” the spokesperson added.

What do you think ladies – is the Fifty Shades trilogy actually helping relationships or is it simply hindering them?
