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05th Jul 2012

Meath Becomes First County to Ban Smoking in Playgrounds

Meath has officially become the first county (outside of Dublin) to ban smoking in playgrounds.


Smoking in playgrounds – what are your views ladies? Should it be allowed? Should it not be allowed? What do you think?

We only ask because the Irish Daily Mail reports today that Meath County Council has become the first local authority outside Dublin to enforce a ban on smoking in all playgrounds within the county.

This means that if you’re caught having a cheeky smoke while you take the kids for a play on the swings, you could get landed with a hefty fine.

The move has been welcomed by ASH Ireland, an anti-tobacco group.

“This is an important health initiative which also assists in the de-normalisation of smoking in areas used by children,” said a spokesperson for the group.

The idea to put up signs stating that smoking was prohibited was first put forward by Eoin Holmes, a county councillor. He was inspired to propose the playground smoking ban after he took his own children to a playground in Laytown.

“I picked up 17 butts from the ground. It was two fistfuls. It is also littering and is unacceptable,” said Mr Holmes.

“There is a clear and proven impact on children’s health of secondary smoking. It is also a learnt behaviour and (smoking in playgrounds) endorses and normalises it,” he added.

The signs that inform members of the public that smoking is no longer allow in playgrounds are set to be erected shortly at 15 different locations within county Meath.
