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02nd Jul 2012

HSE Files Reveal Lapses in Standards at Creches and Childcare Facilities Across the Country

Do you put your little ones in a creche? If so, you might want to read the following...


If you’re a working Mammy, sometimes you have no choice but to put your little one into a crèche. But do you know what really goes on when you’re not around?

Shocking instances of neglect in crèches and other childcare facilities are being reported by the Irish Independent this morning. According to the newspaper, it managed to obtain confidential files that highlight some major lapses in childcare facilities. These files were released under Freedom of Information rules.

Two examples of these lapses include the playground gates being left open in a childcare facility despite the fact that children had wandered off previously and, shockingly, a failure to get medical attention after a child fell down the stairs.

The problems, which are revealed within the confidential files, are actually official inspector reports and detailed complaints made by worried parents. The files include reports from private and publicly-funded childcare facilities.

It is estimated that tens of thousands of young children are left in crèches and Montessori schools across the country on a daily basis. Some of these facilities charge more than €900 a month in fees, but despite high fees, some facilities are operating under severely lax standards.

According to the Irish Independent only 2,789 inspections were carried out in the 4,500 registered childcare facilities last year. However, some of these facilities have not been inspected in the past seven years.

Some issues being reported by parents include: children being verbally abused and slapped by staff, children being left thirsty, understaffing and damp buildings. Last year, 280 serious complaints were actually referred to the HSE by parents.

Speaking about the lack of inspections, a spokeswoman for the HSE said that following initial inspections last year, 704 reviews and follow-up visits and 755 “advisory visits” were carried out. She also stated that the HSE has the option of having a crèche shut down by a court order in the case of extreme circumstances.

Do you think that crèches and childcare facilities should be vetted more carefully?
