If single girls in their thirties weren’t under enough social pressure to have a baby before ‘the clock’ runs out, a new iPhone app will now do it for them.
‘Wonder Clock’ is a delightful app that will count down just how much time us girls have before our reproductive systems kick the bucket. It’s just what we all needed, right?
All users have to do is enter their birthday into the purple clock and the countdown to infertility will promptly begin ticking away the seconds.
Mira Kaddoura, the creator of the app said that she created ‘Wonder Clock’ to empower other women to face their fertility fears.
However experts around the world are slamming the app, which they say is extremely inaccurate.
Sandra Dill from Australia’s National Infertility Network said:
“Fertility does decline with age but it’s not as precise as this app suggests.
“You can be 27 and have a fertility problem.”
At Her.ie we are of the opinion that women are under enough pressure without our iPhone beeping baby reminders on the hour.
The app is available on the iTunes Store for €1.59 but frankly we’d recommend keeping your pennies in your purse.