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11th Jul 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey Blamed for Rise in Cheating

First it was credited with putting the spark back in relationships across the world, now however, the racy read is being blamed for encouraging people to cheat.


According to Samantha Brick, reading Fifty Shades of Grey poses a risk to your health – and no, it’s not just because your other half might cover you in brown sauce.

But did you know that reading the smutty novel could also pose a risk to your relationship? Well, if the latest Fifty Shades news story is to be believed. Fifty Shades of Grey? At this stage we should probably be calling it Fifty Shades of Absolute Madness, mainly because the ‘research’ and ‘news’ stories keep getting more and more outrageous.

The Irish Daily Star reports that the naughty novel has inspired thousands of people to do the dirty on their partner. Yes, not only will it put you in danger of dying from a sex act gone wrong, as Ms Brick puts it, it will also make you cheat on your beloved.

The adult website, a site that hooks attached people up with extra-marital affairs, has claimed that since the release of the book, the number of subscribers to their website has jumped by a third.

According to the website, women have been signing up in droves in the hopes of finding their own version of kinky Christian Grey – the main character in the novel. And seeing the opportunity present, male members of the site have been choosing screen names based on the book.

More than 20million copies of the book have been sold and 32 per cent of members openly admit that they have read it. And they’re not alone. Apparently Victoria Beckham is also a fan of the raunchy read.

Speaking about the boom in subscribers, Rosie Freeman-Jones, a spokeswoman for said that there were “more than a few real-life Christian Greys” on the website.

“However, our ladies seem to be a bit more willing to ask for what they want – even in their actual profiles,” Ms Freeman-Jones added.
