What is it about baby animals? Here at Her.ie Headquarters we all become a giggling mess every time someone shows us a cute photo of one – we just can’t handle how adorable they are.
If you’re anything like us, you’ll be overjoyed to hear that Dublin Zoo has a new arrival! She’s six feet tall, has a long neck and, when she’s older, her tongue will grow to be almost two feet long. Yes, we’re talking about a giraffe!
Yesterday Dublin Zoo announced that it was celebrating the birth of a new-born female Rothschild giraffe, which came stumbling into the world on June 27th. Aww.
The new baby has been spending her time cuddling up to her mammy, Maeve (odd name for a giraffe, right?) and her keepers have said that the little one still looks like a “stuffed toy.”
This is the second time that Maeve has given birth at the Zoo – two years ago another calf named Arria was born. Does anyone else find it insanely cute that the latest bambino already has a big sister?
Anyway, the new baby will join a herd of 10 giraffes in the Zoo’s African Plains area. But staff at Dublin Zoo have yet to give the calf a name. In fact, they’re hoping that a suggestion from the public will give them some inspiration.
“She is a beautiful, strong and healthy calf. She is very confident for her age as most calves would not join the herd until a week after they are born – she is integrating so well,” said Helen Clarke-Bennet, the team leader of the African Plains at the Zoo.
If you’re looking for something to do this weekend, it might be worth your while to grab a child and head to Dublin Zoo. Who knows? Maybe you might get a peek at the new arrival?