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18th Jul 2012

Could Giving Birth to a Big Baby Put You at Risk of Breast Cancer?

Few of us worry if we give birth to a large, healthy baby but according to researchers, having a big baby could have a severe impact on our own health in later life.


If you’re expecting, your main concern is generally that your baby is healthy and happy and has a safe journey into the world. Few of us would worry if our child was a good, healthy weight.

Although some surprising new research has revealed that the size of our baby could put our own health at risk.

The Irish Daily Mail reports that researchers at the University of Texas have discovered that mothers who give birth to larger babies could double their risk of developing breast cancer in later life.

Researchers believe that the reason women with larger babies are at risk is down to the fact that women with heavier babies tend to have increased levels of certain hormones in their bodies, such as oestrogen, which is known to be associated with breast cancer.

Dr Radek Bukowski, the lead author of the study, said that these women tend to possess altered levels of three specific hormones, which could potentially create a “pro-carcinogenic environment.”

“These are high levels of oestrogen, low levels of anti-oestrogen and a free insulin-like growth factor associated with breast cancer development,” he said.

“The risk for women with larger babies was two-and-a-half times higher, independently of any other risk factors,” he added.

So what can you do to protect yourself if you have a larger baby?

“No matter how heavy their baby is, women can reduce the risk of breast cancer by cutting back on alcohol, keeping a healthy weight and staying physically active,” said Dr Claire Knight, from Cancer Research UK. 
