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03rd Jul 2012

Better Not Put the Kettle On: Irish People are Losing Their Taste for Tea

Shocking news today as a new study reveals that when it comes to hot beverages, the majority of us actually prefer coffee. Sacrilegious! 


Can we get you a cup of tea? No? If you’d sooner prefer a cup of coffee or a latte, you’re not alone. Would you believe that Irish people are actually losing their taste for tea?

Yes, it’s shocking, we know, but new figures released by one of the country’s biggest department store chains, has shown that coffee machines are outselling the humble teapot by at least 40 per cent.

The Irish Sun reports that it doesn’t stop there. Even when we’re out and about, we’re twice as likely to order an espresso or an Americano to perk us up rather than a cup of tea.

The study, which was carried out by Debenhams, suggests that the reason why coffee is suddenly becoming our beverage of choice is simply down to the fact that we’re all overworked.

 “As businesses place higher expectations on their workers, it isn’t a surprise that people are turning to caffeine to give them a boost,” said Karen Nason, a spokeswoman for Debenhams.

“Busy lifestyles are also behind this trend – making time for tea is difficult where as people are opting for a quick coffee on the go to get them full of beans,” she added.

In fact, over the past three years, the amount of coffee that Irish people drink has climbed steadily and it now surpasses our consumption of tea and hot chocolate.

“Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the health benefits associated with coffee drinking,” said Dr Euan Paul from the Coffee Lovers Association.

“In moderation coffee can boost mental performance and has even been associated with a reduced risk of stroke and type two diabetes,” he added.

Are you Team Tea or Team Coffee? And are you sure you won’t have a cup? Ah go on. Go on, go on, go on, go on…
