Cork has given us a lot of things over the years – some amazing Irish slang bhoy, the Blarney Stone and the wonder that is Tanora fizzy drink. And now? Now the People’s Republic wants to give us an international holiday known as…wait for it…Cork Day!
The Irish Daily Star reports that the Deputy Lord Mayor of Cork, Emmet O’Halloran, believes that the awesomeness of Cork should not only be appreciated in Ireland, oh no. In fact, he wants to bring Cork to the WORLD. Literally.
Councillor O’Halloran believes that the people of Cork should have a special day that allows them to celebrate their unique culture and heritage, and he says that Cork Day would be sort of like the Annual Holiday of Quebec or Catalunya Day.
“We have seen how other regions across the world do the same – and why should Cork be any different?” he said.
What’s next? Wexford/Mayo/Donegal/Waterford day? Anyway, Councillor O’Halloran said that aside from bringing the community together, Cork Day could have some other benefits in the economic department.
“It’s about getting people to be imaginative and to reach out to the global audience by saying Cork is welcoming and open for business,” he said.
“Here’s what’s great about our city and county – why not come and visit?” he added.
Councillor O’Halloran has suggested that an online poll could be conducted worldwide to decide on what date Cork Day should be celebrated.
So ladies, Cork day – what do you think? And, in the spirit of all things Cork bhoy, what are some of your favourite things about the People’s Republic?