Okay, we have to mention it. Today’s date is 12/12/12 – cool, right? Although for Millie O’Sullivan this date takes on an entirely new meaning. Why? Well, read on and we’ll tell you.
The Irish Examiner reports that Millie is turning 12 today. Yes, she’s celebrating her 12th birthday on 12/12/12. You have to admit that it’s a pretty impressive coincidence. But wait, it gets even better!
Millie, who is from Castletownbere in county Cork was not only born on the 12/12/12, she was also born at 12 minutes past 12. Now that’s just freaky!
“All my friends think it’s really funny because there are so many 12s in my birthday,” said Millie.
And Millie isn’t the only child celebrating a unique birthday today. According to the CSO, 209 children in Ireland will turn 12 today. Across the Atlantic, another child is making headlines because of his unique birthdate…
Do you know anyone celebrating a birthday today?
Kiam Moriya will turn 12 at exactly 12:12pm today. Like Millie, Kiam, who is from Birmingham in Alabama, isn’t really bothered with his strange birth date.
“I think a lot of his classmates and his friends think that it is a cool thing,” said Kiam’s dad, speaking to Today.
“It has gone a little crazy in my opinion. We’ve joked around that he’s the chosen one” Mr Moriya added.
Do you know anyone who has a really strange birth date?