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29th Jan 2013

Your Feel-Good Video For The Day: How To Feed The Homeless For Free

This will probably make you shed a tear...


So this could be the start of a new online trend… that will get a lot of people smiling.

These three men videoed their own version of “Feeding The Homeless Prank”.  

Spotting two homeless folk on the corner of a street, they parked up and called the local pizza takeaway.

They explained, falsely of course, that they were police officers and had two undercover agents on the corner of the street posing as homeless people.

They ordered the pizza and began to share their credit card number over the phone when the takeaway insisted on supplying the food for free to the “agents”.

Cue: A pizza delivery truck pulls up next to the homeless and delivers the food free of charge.

It more than likely made their week.

A definite feel-good video for the day.


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