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21st Dec 2012

You Shouldn’t Have. Really. The Christmas Presents We Don’t Want to Find Under Our Trees This Year

From raunchy reads to adult onesies, a new survey has revealed the Christmas presents we'd rather not receive this year...


It may be one of the fastest selling books of all time, but when it comes to Christmas, the last thing we want to find under the tree is a copy of Fifty Shades of Grey apparently.

According to a survey conducted by the British Heart Foundation, the naughty novel by E.L James is the most unpopular gift to give this year, with 26 per cent of people admitting that they would be sorely disappointed if they unwrapped a copy of it over the festive season.

Aside from kinky Christian Grey and his ‘love balls’ there are a few more things that we’d absolutely hate to get. More than a quarter of us admitted that we’d be offended if someone gave us a celebrity weight loss DVD, and the vast majority of us would cringe if we were given a onesie by a friend or family member.

Christian Grey’s popularity is finally starting to wane it seems…

A solemn 7 per cent of the people who took part in the survey said that they would be horrified if someone even dared to give them a Christmas jumper as a present (bah humbug!).

The survey revealed that for most of us, we receive at least one present that we don’t like, with two thirds of the people surveyed admitting that they always got a gift they ended up throwing out or giving away.

So who are the main culprits when it comes to giving us bogus gifts? Our grandparents are most likely to give us something we hate (God bless them). Mammies came in second place and our partners (as in, the people who are supposed to know what we like) came in third place.

What’s the worst present you’ve ever received?
