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20th Sep 2012

Would You Interrupt Your Honeymoon For an All-Ireland Final? This Couple Have…

Orla and John Sheridan are planning on interrupting their honeymoon in Rome, just so they can cheer Donegal on in this Sunday's All-Ireland Final...


Ladies, if your fella told you that you had to delay your honeymoon because his county was playing in an all-Ireland final, how would you react? We don’t know about you, but we imagine we wouldn’t exactly be thrilled about it (unless he bribed us with a pair of Louboutins or something…)

But newlyweds Orla and John Sheridan have decided to jet back to Ireland from their Honeymoon in Rome on Sunday just so they can attend the All-Ireland Final at Croke Park between Donegal and Mayo.

Once the match is over, the couple then plan to fly back to Rome to complete their romantic getaway as man and wife.

We have to hand it to Orla, she’s one understanding bride. It probably helps that she’s just as GAA-mad as her new hubby though.

Orla and John, who are both from Donegal, tied the knot last Saturday in Ballybofey and flew out to Italy last Monday.

However, Orla’s sister, Mary Cooke, said that the couple are absolutely mad about GAA and haven’t missed a game so far this year. She added that while the couple are deeply in love with one another, the Donegal team comes in at a close second.

Orla and John are hoping that Donegal will bring home the Sam Maguire cup.

“They had their flights booked but didn’t know if they were going to get tickets for the game. But when we got confirmation of tickets they didn’t think about it for one minute and were planning the detour back to Dublin,” said Mary.

“They’re hilarious – they’re only married a few days but there’s already three in the relationship – Orla, John and football. They go to almost all the games they can and John had to arrange his stag party so it was close to Clones so he and his friends could attend the Ulster Final,” she added.

Mary said that the couple’s married life would get off to a “great start” if Donegal win the Sam Maguire cup.

“We just hope they’re able to get back to Rome to finish their honeymoon and don’t party too much if Donegal win,” said Mary.

What do you think ladies? Would you ever interrupt your honeymoon for the sake of an All-Ireland Final? 
