We had you warned!
We all know that a long-opened juice container can transform from a pleasant beverage into a mouldy mess, but we can honestly say we have never, ever seen anything like this before…
The Reddit user has since deleted his account, but uploaded the photo writing underneath it:
“This was in my niece’s juice that she had been dirnking for over a week! Now we know why she was vomiting all week”
The photo sparked debate with commenters questioning why the sick niece hadn’t been checked out or why the juice hadn’t been checked.
The poster claims his sister was using the juice to make smoothies for her kids all week. The carton was sealed with a small foil seal and plastic lid.
“As someone who unloads these kinds of bottle things from trucks, if you you look at them the wrong way, they leak,” one commenter wrote.
“They’re awful. Seriously in the store, give them a good squeeze, if there is any give to them don’t even bother.”
The photo uploader also said he has contacted the product’s company, Minute Maid, about the mould.