It’s only fair that we discuss the other end of the spectrum on the boob scale. So we’ve already discussed the let’s call them slight issues of having big boobs but now it’s time to talk about the let’s call them major problems of having small boobs.
Here it goes…
- Not being able to do a bikini justice. There’s just not enough substance there to look good in a bikini. And it’s not like we can wear a swimsuit either because that just flattens what little is actually there. Is it too much to ask for swimwear that actually flatters the less busty among us? Is it?! All the complaining big boobed women walking around doesn’t help either.
- We can’t go for a normal bra. It always has to be padded, air-filled or with gel pads which adds an extra risk of embarrassment. Gel and air pads can and do burst which means you can go from having semi-reasonable to deflated boobage in less than a minute in front of your date. Don’t even get us started on those chicken fillets. They just build us up to bring us down… literally!
- You might think we can but those of us with small boobs can’t get away without wearing bras or low cut tops either. Why you ask? Because if we do, we look like one of the following: a) a 14 year old boy, b) a pre-pubescent girl, c) an ironing board with two slight creases on the cover.
- Just ask yourself this question, how many times do you hear a man commenting about a woman with small boobs? Now we’re not talking about the crude comments, because we wouldn’t want those, we mean guys you know talking about celebrities they think are attractive. Hardly ever. Boobs are seen as a symbol of attractiveness and when you don’t have them, well, we don’t have to explain it any further.
- Last but not least we find it difficult to hear women with big boobs talking about how difficult it is to have big boobs. Oh dear, your boobs are just too big to fit into a bra or top. And boo hoo, you can’t run because your boobs bounce all over the place. You know what, get over it, we have nothing!