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21st Jul 2014

WATCH: ‘This Is My Jam’ – Elderly Gent’s Dance Moves Will Put Yours To Shame

We have a LOT of time for this gentleman.


We will admit, as much as the ladies of enjoy throwing a few (too many) shapes on the dance floor, we will never be able to match the levels of awesome that the elderly gent in this next video manages to reach.

It might quite possibly be the greatest gift that the Internet has provided us with in quite some time, but this pensioner’s dancing skills exceed all expectations and so we had to share them with you.

Uploaded to Facebook by user Edgar deLeuterio, the post has received over 150,000 shares. Watch as he throws away his crutches and gets down to the music.

We have a LOT of time for this gentleman…

Once more… we think we love him.

Watch This Awesome Old Man Throw Away His Crutches And Dance

Hat-tip to Buzzfeed for this one.


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