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20th Nov 2014

WATCH: This Climate Change Awareness Advert Is ALL Kinds Of Risqué

Well this is one way of advertising to promote awareness towards climate change...


Well this is one way of advertising to promote awareness towards climate change…

Zusammen ist es Klimaschutz, a German climate change awareness organisation went for the shock factor with their latest advertisement.

The video, which is simply titled ‘Caught My Parents #ziek’, was uploaded onto YouTube channel Together it is climate and has received over half a million views in just nine days.

The clip features a young girl who sneaks into her home late at night only to catch her parents engaging in some after-hour activity.

The YouTube description reads: “Some things do not want to see “light” is in such moments the ideal solution, which incidentally also reduces power consumption and costs. If every German household uses only five percent less electricity, less than seven terawatt hours (TWh) could be saved each year. So much current produces a large coal-fired power plant, which consists of five power units[sic]”.

We can’t see this being aired on Irish television any time soon…
Video via YouTube/Together it is climate

Hat-tip: The Metro


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