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06th Oct 2014

WATCH: Cheerios Use Heartwarming Story Of Gay Dads’ Adoption To Sell Cereal

Incredibly clever or just insanely adorable? We'll let you decide...


When it comes to marketing, this next clip for a well-known cereal brand just may top the poll as the cleverest of its kind. 

The folks at Cheerios decided that they would hit their customers right in the feels with a brand new advertising campaign labelled ‘The Cheerios Effect’.

André and Jonathan met after a blind date. Instantly the men were both attracted to each other and the connection was there right from the beginning.

“We couldn’t keep all this luck and love for ourselves… We needed to share”, André explained to the camera.

The men sought to adopt a child and when the day came to meet their adorable girl Raphaëlle, their lives were complete.

Jonathan admitted: “I didn’t have confidence in myself for all my life, but for this, I know, we are good parents”.

On their website, Cheerios explain the concept behind their latest advertising drive and set out to share touching stories of those brought together by love.

“Scientists say the Cheerios Effect is the way small floating objects attract one another. That it has to do with fluid mechanics, surface tension and buoyancy. We think it’s about a lot more.

“So no matter who you are, where you live, or who you choose to share your life with, we believe everyone is worthy of connection – and everyone has a story worth sharing”.

Incredibly clever or just insanely adorable? We’ll let you decide…
Video via YouTube/General Mills


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