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08th Mar 2013

VIDEO “Fraping, Where You’re Raped On Facebook” – Irish Senator Doesn’t Really Understand How The Internet Works…

Someone needs a crash course in Facebook...

Sue Murphy

Irish politicians – mad keen to legislate the Internet… but not entirely sure how it works. 

Senator Fidelma Healy Eames delivered a speech to the Joint Committee on Transport and Communications about challenges facing individuals through the irresponsible use of social media. It seems fair to suggest that the Senator would have served the committee better if she had spoken to some social media users before she made the address…

Clearly out of touch with social media and how it works, the Senator goes into “detail” regarding fraping, texting and other dangers of the internet.

However, it’s somewhat reassuring to know that not all of the country’s politicians are out of touch with online society. TD Clare Daly has released a submission to the same committee regarding Social Media and Cyber Bullying which makes some very good points regarding children and the implementation of a national education programme dealing with online etiquette.

Then again, Senator Healy Eames just might be a Social Media genius… After all, this video has gone viral.


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