AR Wear is an American based brand of garments that are specially designed to make women feel more secure. The line of underwear, running and travelling shorts are all specially made with the aim to “frustrate” sexual assault.
The “anti-rape” clothing works by using cut resistant thigh and waist straps which are tightened and locked into place. After securing the straps, the garment can no longer be pulled down, as the latch works similar to a combination lock and each combination is unique.
The short promotional video begins by asking the viewer the following question: “Have you ever been out at night walking alone and wish that you could feel safer?”
The company then continues to sell their anti-rape clothing by vouching to make women feel safer, “when out on a first date or clubbing, taking an evening run or travelling in another country, or in other potential risky situations.”
The New York based company has come under fire for the slogan, “offering wearable protection for when things go wrong,” and the portrayal of a potential rape victim in the clip.
The concept has been heavily criticised for using the underwear as a tool or symbol of victim-blaming. Many attacked the fact the models in the promo video were all thin, pretty, pale-skinned females. And others dubbed the line, ‘a modern-day chastity belt’, stating that men should be taught not to rape women, instead of women feeling like they need to prevent it.
Video via/WorldstarHiphopVids