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08th Nov 2012

Turn That Frown Upside Down! How to Deal With Life’s Problems

It's never fun when we're faced with a problem. Unfortunately problems are a part of life. Here's how to deal with those pesky obstacles for once and for all...


Life is full of problems and do you know what’s even worse? These problems are hard to avoid on a daily basis. When we’re not facing some kind of problem in our life, our minds have a tendency to create extra ones for us to deal with.

Problems are, essentially, part of the human condition and if you’re alive and breathing, you’re going to come up against them again and again. Problems may seem like the end of the world when they arise, but what’s important when it comes to deal with these little upsets, is your reaction and how your approach the issue.

If you’re currently facing some obstacles in your life, here are four simple tips that can help you cope with whatever you’re up against.

When facing a problem it’s important to remain as optimistic and hopeful as possible

Don’t wallow in misery: The fact that there’s a problem in your life right now, doesn’t mean that you’ve a free pass to feel miserable or guilty. In fact, feeling miserable, upset or guilty won’t help you at all. Remember – in most cases, problems arise through no fault of our own so try not to have an emotional reaction.

Be rational about it – yes you have a problem, but you will get it fixed. Everything is fine. Adopting a positive inner-speech will not only help you mentally and emotionally, it will also encourage you to find a solution to your problem.

See the opportunity: This probably isn’t what you want to hear, but so many times problems are actually opportunities in disguise. Try to view your problem from this perspective – what is it teaching you? Is your problem encouraging you to step up and overcome a weakness or fear? Be optimistic about your problem and it won’t seem so bad.

Change your attitude: Sometimes, the same kind of problems keep repeating themselves in our lives. If you find this happening to you, then it’s time you changed your attitude and created a different perspective for yourself. For example, if you find that you have a problem with work, maybe it’s time to have a think about your attitudes to work and how you can change them.

When dealing with problems, it’s always important to look at them from a different angle. Try changing your attitude towards your problem and see what happens.

Imagine the solution: If you focus on your problems, you’ll overwhelm yourself. Instead of concentrating on the problem itself, try thinking about how you can solve it. Daydream about different scenarios that could help you – you’ll be surprised at what you can come up with.
