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20th Aug 2014

This Is What Happened When Internet Got Up Close And Personal With The Man Who Lost His Penis

This story promises to have you crossing your legs and wincing...


This story promises to have you crossing your legs and wincing… 

We can only imagine the pain a male endures for that split second when he catches his zipper on his private parts, but this next story takes the mick altogether, literally.

A Reddit user going by the name ‘Penisindoor‘ decided to conduct an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on the site a few days ago and it makes for simply ballsy reading.

The now 30-something-year-old lost his manhood as a young boy and described it as “a scene out of the Game of Thrones”.

At the tender age of 12, he was messing with a friend and stuck his fully erect penis through a partially opened door, only to have his BFF accidentally slam the door shut, severing his reproductive organ off completely. Yikes.

‘Penisindoor’ now currently waits patiently to become the second-ever recipient of a penis transplant and replied to public queries online.

Questions ‘Penisindoor’ was happy to answer that you may have been wondering about…

What happened immediately after the incident? Was there a “why did I do that?” moment, a “holy f*cking hell why did you do that to me?” moment, or was it all pain and no time for regret?
• It was a scene of utter panic and mayhem. Your penis has a huge artery (well, I don’t know about yours, per say) and it supplies a lot of blood. I had an erection the moment it happened so that was pumping in blood. If you can imagine, it was like a scene out of the Game of Thrones with the sheer level of blood that was everywhere.

How do you pee?
• I had a urethral reroute. I have a hole on the underside of my balls. I sit to pee.

Can you masturbate?
• Yes, just differently. I still have part of my shaft under there, which still has nerve endings. Use your imagination for the rest.

Have you had a girl/boy friend?
• Girlfriend

How did they react when you told them why you couldn’t be intimate?
• She knew me since we were little, so she knew all along.

Can you be intimate?
• Yes. Any loving couple can be intimate 🙂

How has this affected any relationships you may have had?
• Not in the slightest.

How horrible did/does he feel about the whole thing?
• Probably worse than I did. I actually still feel bad that he’s had to endure the thought of making a huge change in someone’s life.

What did your parents say?
• My parents were pretty good about it. They didn’t take it easy on me just because of it growing up. Which I thank them now for that.

How many people in your real life know you are currently penis-less?
• I think a lot of people know… I don’t know. Everyone I grew up with knew. It was kinda a big deal. Everyone in school knew but they didn’t tease me about it.

What are you looking forward to most when you rejoin the ranks of the penis’d?
• I don’t know. Standing up to pee. Not having to put toilet paper on the seats. The chance of possible real sex is a close second though.


The man plans to mark his operation, if it is successful of course, with an obligatory helicopter celebration.

In case you really want to know what it looks like for a man to have his penis chopped off by a slamming down then you can click this link, but please be warned, what has been seen cannot be unseen…