You love your other half, you really do but sometimes you find it hard to extend that same level of love to the presents he gives you.
Don’t worry, it’s perfectly natural to hate a gift that your boyfriend gives you over Christmas. In fact, a recent survey from dating website revealed that nearly 75 per cent of us womenfolk have been let down by a Christmas gift from a partner in the past.
There is the old saying that it’s the thought that counts and while this may be true, it can sometimes be hard to mask your disappointment.
So what should you do when you give him a lovely, amazing gift that you know he’ll love and he returns the favour by giving you something dull like a manicure set or a hideous item of clothing (in the wrong size!) that you know you’ll never wear?
Here are some simple tips to help you cope if you receive a terrible gift. These tips will help you hide your disappointment, handle the situation with grace and, most importantly, avoid hurting his feelings (men are fragile creatures after all, right?)
Have you ever gotten a Christmas present that you’ve absolutely hated?
1. Smile: No matter what, just keep on smiling. Somewhere in your man’s brain, for whatever reason, chances are he really did think that you’d love that horrible jumper or that crap make-up set. Give him the benefit of the doubt. Remember, you love him, even if you hate his gift with a fiery passion.
2. Thank him: With your smile firmly in place, thank your man for his thoughtfulness. Remember, when it comes to presents men desperately want to please us, however they’re unfortunately crap at picking things that we like. Just thank him and ask him why he chose this particular gift.
3. Determine when to use the gift: If his present isn’t so bad and you can actually live with it, for the sake of his feelings, it’s probably best to put it to use at least once. If he got you a piece of jewellery that you absolutely hate, tell him that you’re only going to use it for special occasions and then wear it on the nights you go out together. Remember: relationships are all about making sacrifices for the ones we love.
4. If you really can’t live with it, honesty is the best policy: Just be honest and explain to your man that the gift just isn’t you. Be kind and simply explain: “You have such great taste, but honestly pet? It’s in the wrong size and it really isn’t me. I appreciate the effort but how about we go shopping together and you help me to pick out something a little bit more suitable?”
There is a strong chance that his feelings will be hurt, but if his gift is something that you’re likely to resent for the rest of your relationship it’s best to bring it up now rather than letting it fester for months on end until it explodes next Christmas when he buys you an ugly pair of gloves to match the hideous scarf he got you last year…