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21st Nov 2015

The Woman Behind The ‘Dear Fat People’ Video Is Back With A ‘Dear Refugees’ NSFW Video

“It’s ok prejudiced racists, I’m sure I’ll be fine.”


The YouTuber behind the controversial ‘Dear Fat People’ is back again – and this time she wants to take down people who are against refugees coming to their country.

Nicole Arbour tends to have a pretty strong opinion on her chosen topics, and this one is no different.

In light of the Paris terrorist attacks last week, 19 US states decided to temporarily ban or largely restrict Syrian refugees from crossing their borders.

With islamophobia rife since the attacks, Arbour decided to voice some of her grievances in a (NSFW) video:

“I’m so lucky that I was born in a country that when there’s a war people go to fight on my behalf…but that’s not the case for everyone around the world. And I think that a lot of people are being f***ing ridiculous when it comes their response…I see a lot of people typing up a storm about, ‘Oh my gosh, I can’t believe we’re letting in refugees.’ B***h, I know you’re dumb, but you’re being extra stupid now.”

She also points out that despite what some people think, refugees aren’t just taking a short holiday, but are actively escaping a war:

“They’re not coming for vacation, they live in a f***ing war zone! Do you comprehend this typey typers…There’s a really bad war going on and it is our job, as human beings, to help them as much as we can.”

While she makes some fair points regarding refugees’ lack of rights and how terrorism is not a religion, her delivery and opinions may be deemed offensive by some viewers.

Video: Nicole Arbour