We all have a memory or two, or more, of a particularly bad shift we may have once had…
If you’re in the mood to share your bad shift victim experience or just to laugh at others, we’ve got just the Facebook page for you.
The Constitution Of A Bad Shift is an ingenious social media page set up to laugh, poke, write, photo and study everything there is about a bad kiss.
Complete with a page full of hilarious posts describing bad kisses, most of them having happened in our awkward teenage years, the group also presents to us the Constitution Of A Bad Shift (as seen above).
This constitution lists all types of bad kisses to ever have planted themselves on the isle that coined the term “shift”. The Washing-Machine, The Stabber, The Gaffey Special… our own bad experiences are being conjured up from the back of our minds by the descriptions alone.
Watch out for the story about a stay in an “iconic Irish seaside town” and the bruised lips that followed… but here are a couple to whet your appetite.