Tonight marks the second and final night of the 56th Rose of Tralee and there’s been a huge reaction to the festival on Twitter.
The Louth Rose quickly became one of our favourites, see here for the background story, the Abu Dhabi Rose paid a lovely tribute to her late mother and there were a couple of interesting dance routines.
Meath rose, Elysha Brennan, took the Rose of Tralee crown (sorry, tiara) for 2015 and she takes over from last year’s Rose of Tralee, Mayo native Maria Walsh.
And the winner is……… *Drumroll* THE MEATH ROSE ELYSHA BRENNAN!!!
— (@Herdotie) August 18, 2015
If you’re curious, go and have a look at the #ROT but in the meantime, we’ve compiled a selection of tweets from tonight.
Let’s be honest – we’re all just waiting for Louth to get her own back on Monaghan. #ShiftGate #RoseOfTralee — (@Herdotie) August 18, 2015
Struggling to imagine the #roseoftralee in the UK for many reasons, but partly that we’d never speak for this long. — Scott Reid (@scottreid1980) August 18, 2015
Ah jeezus I want to crawl through the TV and give Abu Dhabi’s daddy a big hug #ROT #roseoftralee #totesemosh — Michelle Ui Dulaoich (@Michas_Travels) August 18, 2015
She keeps sucking her teeth. Bet she regrets tucking into the back stage cocktail sausages now #roseoftralee
— Anne Marie O’Connor (@Kitsgirl1) August 18, 2015
Every single Snapchat user tonight be like…
— (@Herdotie) August 18, 2015
He’s not pronouncing Mohill right – it’s MUH-ill #rot #roseoftralee #rot2015 — Misty Meanour (@MistyMeanour) August 18, 2015
Hurry up..I really need a wee..and I’ve eaten a whole packet of jaffa cakes. #roseoftralee
— Emma (@emsheenb) August 18, 2015
Not a fan of the rose of Tralee because it’s a sure sign of school around the corner
— Martin Walsh (@murtwalsh15) August 18, 2015
Delighted for the Meath rose. She's done so well in her life, from fighting cancer 2 achieving her goals for studying medicine #RoseOfTralee
— Michaela Higgins (@KaylaHigg93) August 18, 2015
Tiara goals.
— (@Herdotie) August 18, 2015