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01st Oct 2014

The Three Most Annoying Habits People Do On Facebook Has Been Revealed…

Are you guilty of these Facebook grievances?


Facebook is a cruel mistress. Yes we can while away hours of time procrastinating on its pages, but realistically like all good things in life, there are evil side-effects (we’re looking at you chocolate/weight gain).

We all have annoying little habits. It’s nature. But on Facebook, it’s surprising how that lovely girl you chat to in the gym can suddenly irritate every fibre of your being. (Don’t feel guilty, we all judge…)

So when the folks over at decided to survey Facebook devotees on what really grinds their gears, we had to agree with every last one of them.

So to all those friends who like, share, tag and make us envious with their holiday snaps, this is our not so subtle hint to you.

1)     The couple who overshare/ post romantic messages about themselves and their better half

Yes, congratulations – you’re in love. We’re delighted for you. Now please stop the onslaught of kisses, nicknames, couple shots and status updates about how much better the world is with you two as a couple in it. We get that you’re probably counting down the days to make identikit kids who you’ll no doubt dress like the Van-Traps. We just don’t need to know about it.


2)     The person with the fabulous lifestyle, that needs to let you know ALL about it

Yes, your life is perfect. You have the perfect boyfriend, the perfect job and take the perfect holidays. Please do us all a favour and stop updating us along the way. We don’t need to know every minute detail and we are green with envy. We can’t take anymore of this. Is that a Chanel bag?! We will hide you in our feed.

3)     The person who posts a new Facebook status/ tags themselves/ uploads a photo EVERY FIVE SECONDS

We’re your friend. Yes, we love you but that doesn’t mean we need to know your breakfast details. Or what you thought of Corrie, or that you’re still waiting on the bus. This also goes for the passive aggressive status updates for ex-boyfriends. Facebook is not your diary. Keep those hilarious rants for your friends in a private thread. Or Instagram. Everyone loves a food post on Instagram.

In reality it could just be annoying because our lives are a little boring right now… and we’re a little jealous.