Don’t know what Tinder is? Get yourself to a mirror immediately and ask your reflection this all important question – WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!
Tinder is the dating app that makes finding your potential other half a lot easier… if you’re not into the whole meeting someone face-to-face thing that is of course.
The way the whole process works is very simple, if you don’t like the cut of his jib swipe left, if you’re a liking what you’re seeing and want some more then swipe right.
Searching for love can become fairly tedious and many of you helpless hopeless romantics are giving up on the app… BUT WAIT, we’ve got something that will ensure you’re not left suffering from a repetitive strain injury in that thumb.
The Tinder-O-Matic is taking the hassle out of dating, by automatically hitting the like button, leaving you footloose and fancy free to engage in real life human activity. Amazing.
The efficient device has the ability to ‘like’ a new profile every four seconds, which averages to around 900 likes per hour and if left to its own devices, the Tinder-O-Matic can like over 10,000 profiles in just 12 hours. Not a bad night’s work.
Looking for love just got a whole lot easier…
Video via YouTube/Andrew Sink
Hat-tip to our brothers over on for this one, they are all big softies at heart.