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24th May 2016

These illustrations depict how people profess their love all over the world

We LOVE these...

Rebecca Keane

There’s never enough ways to say you love someone.

But for some, those three little words can be the hardest thing to say.

One artist has thankfully supplied us with a list of idioms (aka phrases) to help us cold, unaffectionate Irish express our tingly feelings for another person.

While it’s not guaranteed the object of your affections will completely understand what you’re trying to say, the sentiment still stands.

Artist Elly Walton told us how she began illustrating the idioms:

“I create my illustrations by beginning with pencil sketches. I then go over the line work with ink pens, scan these and colour, shade and add texture in Photoshop.

“… My favourite idiom was “To have eaten a monkey”, just something about the complete craziness that appealed to me and also it seemed to fit very well with the silly things that are done in the name of love!”

The gorgeous colourful illustrations depict phrases from far-flung lands like  Germany, Italy and Sweden – my personal favourite is Latin America.







It’s time to pick your favourite idiom and approach that crush ladies – now you have no excuse!