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13th Jan 2013

The Final Bullet: Robert Sheehan Confirms He Won’t Be Back for Season Four of Love/Hate

The actor has confirmed that he genuinely did meet his end in the explosive last episode of RTE's gangland drama.


If you’ve been following RTE’s gangland drama Love/Hate over the past few weeks, you’ll know that season three ended on an absolute cliff-hanger. While most of us have been holding onto the hope that Darren will survive, Robert Sheehan, the actor who plays him, has confirmed for the first time that he’s actually been killed off. Major sad face.

The Sunday World reports that Robert has said he will remain glued to the next series of the programme, despite the fact that he’ll no longer be starring in it.

Robert’s confirmation comes just a few weeks after Stuart Carolan, the writer of the show, stressed that Darren would not be returning (regardless of our protests!).

If you’ve yet to watch the last episode of series three, you might want to stop reading right here because we’ll be giving a few spoilers.

We all watched with horror as series three ended with Darren being shot in the back of the head by a familiar looking face. It has now been confirmed that the hit woman was in fact Lizzie, the girl who was once besotted with Darren. It is believed Lizzie was getting revenge after Darren accidentally shot her brother.

“I took two bullets to the back of the head, that’s me down, I can guarantee you,” said Robert.

Robert with his co-stars on the set of Love/Hate

Given that Darren is one of the most popular characters in the series, we were pretty much convinced that he’d manage to survive. Sure wasn’t he also shot at the end of series one? However, Robert has said that there’s no way he’ll be back.

“I read the final script and I’m not afraid to say I had a little weep, thinking that’s the end of it, that’s the end of an era,” said Robert.

“I didn’t think it was going to be the last stroke of the series. It’s going to have people back watching it. People are going to be stuck to it, I’ll be stuck to it,” he added.

The actor, who is from Laois, celebrated his 25th birthday last Monday. But the end of his stint on Love/Hate doesn’t mean that Robert will disappear off our screens forever. The actor has a few things in the pipeline and is due to star in a $60million blockbuster called Mortal Instruments: City of Bones.

We don’t know about you but we’ll definitely miss Darren in the next series of Love/Hate. It just won’t be the same without him!
