The festive period brings about many great things. Family, holidays, presents and drinks. Before you depart from work and head back home for the holidays there is one thing you cannot avoid… The Christmas staff party.
A staff night out can be described in many ways. A great to end a great year, a nice reward and wind-down time for all your hard work, or for some, the end of a good career and steady income.
Yes, many of us have the greatest intentions when partaking in the staff party festivities. However, after a few too many drinks purchased with that nice bonus that the boss gave you, you’ve ended up ruining your life.
Here are the nine things to avoid doing on your staff night out.
Read. Re-read. And read again. This could potentially save your career.
1. Shots With The Boss.
This one is pretty self-explanatory?
2. Decorating Yourself Inappropriately
Oh, what’s this? You’ve made yourself a tinsel penis that you’re pretending is now some sort of lasso. Lovely.
Oh look, now you’re hanging some baubles from your chest and signalling your male colleague do them same in his nether regions. Classy.
3. I Did Not Have Sexual Relations With That Work Colleague
Don’t do it, girls, no matter how much sexual tension there is in the office between you and that certain someone, this is a recipe for disaster.
“But no one will ever know,” we hear you say. Someone always finds out. Always.
4. “I Love You”
Do not profess your undying love for your boss, it’s just awkward.
5. The Christmas Cry
Seriously, no one likes a crier. Don’t be that person.
6. Not Eat
Ladies, before an outing or social gathering some of us tend to lay off the carbs and lay on the H2O in order to fit into the glitzy number that’s feeling a little tight. If your staff party is a sit-down meal operation, do not skimp on the grub.
WE REPEAT, do not skimp on the grub. Eat. Line that stomach, otherwise, well you know yourself.
7. Dutch Courage
Listen, we all have someone at work that we don’t meet eye-to-eye with on everything and although it’s good to express how you’re feeling, the staff do is not the occasion to air your grievances.
8. This One’s For Instagram
#StaffParty #Lolz #JingleBalls #LoveMyJob #PleaseGodIDontHaveThisAsMyStoryOnSnapChat #HRmeeting #LostMyJob
9. The D in Dancing Stands For Decorum
“This is my song”, not tonight it isn’t. Your boss watching you Dad-dancing to Drake’s Hotline Bling before you slide into full blown River Dance (there’s always one) is a side of you that the person who pays your wages does not need to see.
Christmas Decorum, more important than any decoration.