Watch out One Direction, these cheeky pooches could end up giving you a serious run for your money in the music stakes!
The Pet Collective have made a parody of One Direction’s Kiss You video and it has started to go viral online. Entitled Lick You, the video, which features Pup Direction (the canine equivalent of 1D) is as cute as it is funny.
The dogs recreate scenes from One Direction’s original video such as riding a motorcycle, driving and having the craic on the ski slopes. We especially love the bit where the dogs are dancing around in a jail (we couldn’t stop laughing!).
Anyway, given the fact that the dogs manage to do such a great job in their video, we thought it was only fair to include the real video featuring Harry Styles and co, y’know, for comparative purposes.
Are we the only ones who totally want One Direction and Pup Direction to join forces and do a collaboration in the future?