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16th Nov 2012

Thanks But No Thanks, Enda. One Man Turns Down ‘The Gathering’ With a Public Protest

In protest of at the death of Savita Halappanavar, one man has said a very public 'No thank you' to Enda Kenny and The Gathering.

Rebecca McKnight

You can keep your Gathering, Mr. Kenny.

That’s the message from one very frustrated Irish man who has used his postcard for ‘The Gathering’ to pen some thoughts and send on to Enda Kenny, in the wake of the Savita scandal this week.

This snap of the postcard is quickly spreading online, and the full text reads:


Dear Mr. Kenny,

Much as I would love to put unreasonable emotional pressure on friends & family abroad to come to Ireland and empty their wallets for the benefit of a corrupt and failing banking system, my concern for their physical wellbeing in the event of a necessary medical procedure being denied them, on draconian and immoral religious and political grounds, will (sadly) prevent me from doing so.


Rob Brown.


It is expected to take up to three months before an inquiry into the circumstances surrounding Savita’s death is completed.
