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24th May 2018

Tess Holliday calls out Photoshop app that body-shamed her in an advert

The plus-size model was having none of it.

Orlaith Condon

The plus-size model was having none of it.

Tess Holliday is calling out the Photoshop app called PIP CAM on her Instagram this week after she spotted them making drastic edits to her pictures to promote themselves.

The plus-sized model shared a screen grab of a video promotion that the app had running on Instagram with her followers yesterday, saying:

“An app that has nearly 50,000 downloads was dumb enough to steal photos of me and two other plus size woman and use them for this nonsense.

“The fact that anyone thinks it’s OK to market this to ANYONE is appalling, but like, come on y’all.

“Never let anyone make you feel like you need to alter your appearance or who you are. You are enough.”

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However, it was Tess’ final line that had us all on our feet with applause.

“As for this bogus app,” she wrote, “My lawyers will be sliding into your DMs boo.”

The post has already been liked by nearly 30,000 people in the 24 hours since it was posted and the comment section is completely filled with words of praise for the body-confidence campaigner.

“That is very sad,” wrote one follower. “They don’t have any consideration for how they will make a person feel about their appearance.

“It ruins a person’s self-esteem.”

A post shared by T E S S ? (@tessholliday) on

“Go collect your coins, girl,” wrote another.

“This is outrageous. It actually makes me sick that apps like this are widely advertised.”