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13th Aug 2012

Ten Reasons Why We Should Hug It Out More

Nothing beats a good hug...and now science has presented ten reasons to us why we should hug more...great stuff!


We have to give it to the research guys, they just keep on coming out with them…and this one we like.

Oooh, we all love a good, tight, squeezy hug! And, now, next time there’s nobody willing to hug it out, present this research from MindBodyGreen to them and they’ll want to hug out the love for hours…

These, ladies, are the ten reasons why we need to hug it more:

10. The nurturing touch of a hug builds the sense of trust and safety. This can help with open and honest communication.

9. Hugs can boost oxytocin levels, which heal feelings of loneliness or anger.

8. Holding someone lifts your serotonin levels, elevating your mood and making you happy.

7. Hugs can strengthen the immune system. They stimulate the thymus gland, which regulates your white blood cell production, keeping you healthy.

6. A good bear cuddle can boost self-esteem. Hugs connect us to our ability to self love.

5. Hugging can relax muscles, releasing tension in our body. Aahhh…. They can also soothe aches by increasing circulation into the soft tissues.

4. A strong squeeze can balance out the nervous system. A change in the way our skin conducts electricity means our nervous system balances itself.

3. Hugs have been compared to meditation and laughter. They can connect you with your heart and feelings.

2. A hug is seen as a ‘relationship investment’. It encourages empathy and understanding.

1. Finally, how about just because they are the best things on earth?!
