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10th Dec 2012

“Stylish But Illegal Monkey Found”: Anyone Leave Their Monkey At Ikea? He’s Wearing A Fur Coat

We think we’ve just found the Best Headline of 2012...


Did you leave a stylish but illegal monkey at Ikea?

The disorientated monkey was found wandering aimlessly outside the homestore in Toronto on Sunday.

Understandably, the little animal caused a flurry of activity outside the store with numerous photos posted on Instagram, tweet and retweeted on Twitter and at least two parody accounts made on the social networking site… all while the monkey strolled around outside the store lost.

Dressed in a fur coat and diaper, the monkey managed to open its own crate, unlock the car door and go for a stroll in the Ikea car park.

The monkey, a rhesus macaque, a species that is illegal in Ontario, was ushered into the  shop by employees until animal services arrived. The monkey was unharmed, although it was a bit alarmed with all the attention, police said.

“It was pretty scared. It was a tame monkey,” Sgt. Dzingala said. “Nobody got hurt. The monkey was a little scared, that’s all.”

What a brave, stylish monkey…

