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28th May 2018

Sorted? A necessary 12 item checklist for your handbag this festival season

Take note huns.

Denise Curtin

Festival season is HERE.

I literally wait all year round to be able to say that.

Why do I love this season? Well… besides all the obvious reasons, the music, the style, the freedom etc… I love the long bright nights, the warmer weather, being outdoors all the time and drinking in a TENT. There is honestly nothing like it.

But every year, no matter HOW much I plan and prep, my packing is always last minute and I always forget something, like, ALWAYS. And through my forgetfulness, it has taught me a lot about the crucial things you just need to have in your handbag at a festival.

Like, it is all well and good to have plenty of “necessities” back at your tent, caravan, hotel – but when you’re dancing in a field at 3am and need one of those things, there is not a chance you’re going to venture back to get it and you will only wish you had it on you, so, to save yourself the hassle and the pain, I have made you a list of the 12 handbag essentials to keep on you at all times this festival season.

A packet of tissues

When you need to use the toilet and all the tissue has run out (it always does), these tissues will be like the golden ticket to Willy Wonka.

A mini deodorant

Dancing like a lunatic causes you to sweat and sweat profusely – a quick deodorant spritz will help you feel that bit fresher and hold you over for the night.


Plenty of drinking and eating results in a loss of makeup and one thing I DESPISE, like many gals, is chipped lips. Nobody wants to be smiling for pics with just a ring of lipliner on. Don’t forget your lippy.


Spills, cuts, leaks, dodgy tan, you name it, a wipe is king of all and mini packs (of seven wipes) can be purchased in Boots and let me tell you, they are IDEAL for this situation.

Power bank

There is nothing worse than being at a festival with no battery. If you get lost, you can’t find your mates and if anything happens and you want to take a picture, you can’t. Sheer disaster. Save yourself the sorrow and bring a battery pack.

A rain poncho

These yokes fold up small and will fit in your bag (you’ll make space) and believe me, if the heavens open, you will be THRILLED you have it with you.

A bottle of water

Hydration is key and at a festival it is very important to remember to keep drinking water.

A hair bobbin

There always comes a point when you need to tie up the mane, always.


Festival essensh. We also find these ideal for hiding our makeup as the days go on and our last shower becomes distant.


Be sun smart. Pack an SPF.


If you are wearing new shoes, or ones you don’t often wear, there is a high chance they could cut you – so be prepped and not missing out on any of the dancing by packing a set of plasters. Cut heels are HELL.

Hand sanitiser

Everything you touch is disgusting. It is a festival. But it is part and parcel of the way of “festival life” just remember to use hand sanitiser before you eat or touch food because there is a high chance others aren’t. Yuck.

And lastly it goes without saying, don’t forget your purse and phone too!

We cannot wait.

Feature image cred – Frock Me I’m Famous