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22nd Jan 2015

Seven Foods That Help Bring Your Pearly Whites To A Sparkling Set

For an added sparkle to your set!


We all know that a drop of red wine might taste amazing but it isn’t always kind to your teeth. 

Between curries, coffee or the occasional cigarette, it can be hard to maintain a set of pearly whites (white – not off-shade beige)

Here are the seven foods that will give you a natural brush and clean throughout your day!


They may be red and slightly acidic, but these little berries are packed with malic acid (an acid that removes the harsh bacteria other food can leave built up on our teeth).

Strawberries You learn something new everyday… The tasty fruits have plenty of vitamin C, fibre, folate and potassium. Full of natural sugars, these berries are sure to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Slice up some strawberries and sprinkle over your cereal, or add to a dollop of cream and meringue for a tasty (and healthy benefits dessert!)

Baking Soda

It may be a mammy’s favourite tip, but there’s a reason it’s lasted the test of time. Like toothpaste, dip the head of your toothbrush into the baking soda and the salt base will strip that plaque and any surface stains left behind.


As well as adding a satisfying crunch to your salad or dinner plate, the florets of broccoli act like little mini scrubbing brushes against our teeth! The vegetable’s natural surface has been proven to remove staining from your teeth too.



Onions are not only stain free but the added benefit of eating the sometimes strong smelling vegetable, is the fact that you’re 60% more likely to brush your teeth right after munching on them. Increasing your brushing is one quick way to keep your teeth sparkling fresh!


There’s a reason that an apple a day really does keep the doctor away! The crunch in an apple strengthens your gums, while the high water content increases your saliva production while breaking down any bacteria that’s on your teeth surface. The fruit is also key to neutralising bad breath! Better add some apples to your next grocery shop!



Packed high in water content, these veggetables are not only great for your waistline but help whiten your teeth by stimulating saliva production, which in turn washes away food debris and strengthens gums.

Chop down for raw, crunchy carrot stick snacks or boil with your dinner to counteract that cheeky glass of red wine.


Finally, news that cheese is really good for you!

Hard cheese is full of calcium, which strengthens teeth and gums. The cheese also cleans the tongue and palate, meaning there’s no bacteria left behind on your teeth!
