Are you a morning person? Do you leap out of bed as soon as your hear your alarm going off on a Monday morning? If you answered yes to these questions then you’re part of a dying breed, because according to a new study, it takes most of us more than half an hour to actually rise and shine.
The study, which was commissioned by relaxing toiletry brand Radox, discovered that less than one in five of us consider ourselves to be morning people. Oh and apparently we typically doze for 14 minutes before we finally pull ourselves out of bed. And after that, we don’t start feeling awake until at least 36 minutes have passed.
Why are we such sleepy heads? Well apparently in December, we tend to lose at least an hour’s sleep every single night because we’re busy worrying/fretting over the impending festive season.
66 per cent of us simply feel unmotivated to get out of bed and go to work in the mornings and 60 per cent of us confessed that we needed more sleep during the darker months of winter.
Sometimes, our need for sleep is so great that we happily pull a sickie and the study revealed that 15 per cent of people were prone to calling in sick during the final month of the year because they feel as though they can get away with it more then.
Do you have to force yourself out of bed first thing in the morning?
“The first sound we hear in the morning has such an effect on our mood for the rest of the day,” said a spokesperson for The Sleep Clinic.
“That’s why we often feel down when woken up to ringing phones, pinging emails or the same monotonous alarm clock,” the spokesperson added.
If you want to spring out of bed first thing in the morning, sleep experts recommend changing your alarm to the sound of birds tweeting, a cockerel crowing, waves crashing, wind chimes, a piano playing, an orchestral symphony or some church bells.
Did you hit the snooze button a few times this morning?